This morning I dropped the girls off at school, came home and went for a run. (I KNOW.) I started kicking my own butt back in May, working really hard to lose weight and exercise which led to a downward spiral in my mastery of Netflix, but an accompanying decline in the number on my scales.
So today, I ran. I ran faster and longer than I have in over five years. When the little voice in my iPhone said, “THREE MILES,” I was on the busiest street in Greenwood, Mississippi and I ran a good fifty feet with my arms over my head a la Rocky Balboa. I cried the last quarter of a mile home because I kept thinking, “I can’t believe I did this! I can’t believe I’ve made it this far!”
I felt SO good that when I got home, I made this vlog. I look like crap but I love you this much:
Right after I made the vlog, I got a phone call from my agent, Jenny Bent. She told me to sit down, and since I would literally jump off a bridge if she told me to, I did.
“You are #3 on the New York Times’ Bestseller list!!”
Y’ALL!!!!! I lost my everloving chit! I screamed and sobbed while she talked and said things like, “I just ran 3.7 miles and I’ve lost 30 pounds this summer and I EFFING RULE AT LIFE TODAY, JENNY!!!!”
I called my family first and they are all as amazed and overwhelmed as I am. But do you want to know what I keep thinking?
What if I never started?
What if I never sat down to write? What if I never made up my mind to get off the couch? What if I had been too embarrassed to submit my little manuscript to the agent of my dreams? What if I’d been so humiliated by the number on the scales that I hadn’t gone to see a nutritionist and asked for help?
What if?
I am so excited about this day. About my run. About my weight loss. About my life. But the day I started wasn’t exciting. It was ordinary.
The day I decided it was time to take my body back, I couldn’t have run to the end of my driveway and I weighed more than I had my entire life.
The day I started writing, the New York Times’ list was a dream, and an impossible one at that.
Today may not be the day your dream comes true, but it could definitely be the day you start. So, do it– kick life’s ass.
Now I gotta go buy some posterboard and clean my kitchen. I love all you Chicks to pieces, thank YOU for making so many of my dreams come true. It wouldn’t have happened without you! I’ll post links to the list when it goes live tomorrow!