A few months ago, I was really excited when I was contacted by Luv’s PR team asking me to be a part of marketing experiment they were undertaking called Luv’s Experienced Moms Takeover. I agreed and after seeing the five other bloggers who were participating I was glad I did! Some of my favorite bloggers were on the team and one of my very favorite people on the planet (I’m looking at you Imig.) was participating as well.
We had several Google Hangout sessions where we brainstormed with Luv’s PR team, trying to come up with the best ways to engage our audiences and present Luvs 1st Kid vs 2nd Kid campaign. And honestly? It was the easiest job in the world because their ad spots are hilarious and their parenting philosophy “Every Mom’s an Expert” is right on target.
We each took a week tweeting from Luv’s Twitter account (I bet there was some nail biting going on in corporate over that!) and I even hosted a three night chat on Facebook talking about all the differences in parenting your 1st kid versus you 2nd kid. (I had entirely too much fun talking to their Facebook peeps.)
To wrap up our takeover, we showed their ads to any Momma who was standing still– no uterus was safe! We locked them in mini-vans, lured them to our homes for brunch, tricked them into coming over for a glass of wine or cup of coffee, dressed in blue full body spandex and went shopping and um… maybe I should just let you see what we did:
Here is what’s awesome– we’re gonna end this thing with a bang. For a chance to win SIX months of free diapers, just watch the four Luvs ad spots (it’ll take you less than 10 minutes!) and leave a comment on this post telling me this: If you could pick a 1st Kid/2nd Kid moment for the next commercial what would it be??
Want five more chances to win? Click over to the other Experienced Mom’s blogs and leave your comment there as well!
Divine Secrets of a Domestic Diva
Contest ends Wednesday, February 27th at Midnight. The winner will receive 24 coupons to purchase 6 months of diapers. Each coupon is good for one free jumbo pack of any luvs diapers (up to $9.99 maximum value).