I tried to catch the laundry up before I went out of town last week. But, uh… apparently The Hubs was a little overwhelmed. He did feed my kids all weekend. No one suffered traumatic injury. And he washed all the sheets in the house right before I got home, so I got to have clean sheet night without any effort on my part. But I guess the clothes were just too much.
And I’m not judging him. It’s hard having three kids by yourself for days on end. I know, just ask me. And I’ve been home for four days and I’ve barely made a dent in this, because, like I said…kids.
Some of these clothes are clean.
Some of them are not. To tell the difference you must sniff them.
And WHAT have I told you about sniffing toddler underwear? That’s right. We don’t do it. Ever. We rewash. TRUST me on this one, people. Trust me.
If you are feeling superior to me, good for you. You are welcome. I aired my dirty laundry just for you. (See what I did there??)
If you are excited that you aren’t the only one who doesn’t have an immaculate house all the time, tell me something. What’s the household task that kicks your butt on a regular basis?