Motherhood kicked my tail today. Actually, Sadie kicked my tail today.
Everything I did, she successfully undid in a fraction of the time. Four hours of sorting, folding and ironing clothes? Undone in less than five minutes while I made lunch.
A clean and tidy writing desk? Undone with a pack of stickers in 3.5 minutes while I cleaned aforementioned laundry mess.
Nap time today was preceded by a full hour of screaming and thrashing. I offered everything I could think of: food, juice, milk, rocking, singing, a new car, reading a book. But it only made her scream louder.
Sadie walked nowhere today. Every where she went was against her will and by force. I hurt my wrist this week exercising (you really gotta watch out for those 5lb dumbbells) and every time I picked her up, it hurt.
By dinner I was in tears. I locked myself in my bathroom, took a bath and then limped to my bed. Thanks to squats, lunges and peeling stickers off of hardwood floors all day, I am unable to bend my knees when I walk. And yes, I look ridiculous.
Aubrey and Emma felt sorry for me. I’m not sure if it was the actual tears I cried when Sadie jimmied the fridge open and started stomping deli meats into the floor, or if it was the size of the ice pack I had on my knee. Either way, they brought me Dr Suess’ “Oh The Places You Will Go,” and a glass of ice water and climbed in bed with me. I tried not to sob as I read it.
Being a mom is hard. But getting tucked into bed by those three? Worth it.
What have your kids done lately to make you smile? (Or are you still hiding in the bathroom??)