No biggie.
The last two weeks have been incredible. Honest to God, if you haven’t read my blog before or haven’t read lately, the last few posts should catch you up but basically? I’m winning at life right now.
I’ve dropped 30 pounds since May. Boom.
I’m running further than I ever have in my whole life. And I’m one of those people who runs for cake or when their life is in danger. Bazinga.
I hit the NYTs Bestseller List. I’m not making this up.
And last week, I signed a two book deal with St Martin’s Press for dollars. Real American money. Not the Monopoly kind and not even coupons– which if you can believe 97.4% of PR companies, are the standard currency for bloggers in these United States.
Can you believe it?
I can’t. I literally cannot believe that all of this has happened to me.
I was talking to my agent The Jenny Bent, last week and she was all: I never thought I’d say this but I need more excitement from Robin O’Bryant.
And I was like: I feel like this is happening to someone else. I’m thinking, ‘Oh! I went to high school with her! She was a really nice girl! Good for her!’
But it’s me!! Good for me!!
What this means is that St Martin’s has purchased my fourth baby, Ketchup is a Vegetable and will be republishing it early next year, as well as… wait for it… my NEXT book.
For realz, y’all.
I’m like a real writer now. How’d that happen?