Inspired by The Queen herveryownself Jill Conner Browne, who has been having some quite heelarious blog contests, lately,(which I have YET to win) and one of my very bestest friends Amy, who posted as her Facebook status, “Real moms don’t shower,” I introduce to you: “Real moms…”
All YOU have to do is fill in the blank, it can be funny or sweet.
ex. Real moms can’t remember when they shaved their legs.
Real moms understand baby lotion commercials are a ploy to trick you into having kids so you’ll buy their stupid lotion.
Got it? Good.
Each comment will enter you for a chance to win a fabulous prize that I’m going to pick out from one of my favorite stores here in town called Mississippi Gift, they carry local pottery, yummy treats and all kinds of fun stuff. Who knows what you could end up with? Contest ends Friday, July 2nd!
Each comment is an entry so if you have more than one post them separately. Entertain me, ladies!!!