I started reading “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin a few nights ago. Gretchen is a Yale and Yale Law Graduate, who decided while clerking for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, that she wanted to be a writer. This book details an experiment she performed on herself, to see what changes she could make in her life to increase her happiness level.
Don’t get me wrong. Gretchen wasn’t depressed, she wasn’t facing a crisis of any kind. She was a working mother of two, and a wife who realized she wasn’t enjoying her life as much as she should. She realized she complained too often and snapped at her husband too easily. Her life was good and she wanted to appreciate and revel in it.
I’m only a few chapters in and I am fascinated. Firstly, because I’m pretty sure my conscience wrote this book while I was sleeping or watching reality TV. The issues she discusses are so relevant to me, and to many moms. Her solutions are simple and well-written, and she condenses extensive research she has completed very concisely.
This morning, I was Woman On A Mission. I cleaned out and organized my closets. I refused to say anything negative or critical to my husband or children. (Which was difficult after Aubrey gave herself and Emma a haircut this afternoon.)
Providing Rubin doesn’t tell me to jump off a cliff or drink the Kool-Aid, I’m in.
I highly recommend her book and blog to all you (click on the link above.) And I’m hoping that maybe I can score a Super Mom interview.
What area of your life would you most like to increase your happiness and why?