Last Friday I had to have a liver biopsy. My friends arranged to take care of all three of my kids with some creativity and kid shuffling, so that I wouldn’t have to pay a babysitter. (Because they are awesome.) The plan was for Sadie and Emma to go to a Mother’s Morning Out program (whole ‘nother post about how mom’s NEVER do anything fun while our kids are there,) so in preparation I prepared lunches for both of them.
I had recently gotten Aubrey and Emma new Hello Kitty! lunch boxes for the new school year and Emma had been begging me to pack her a lunch so she could go some where with her awesome lunch box and new thermos. I used this opportunity, and packed both of their lunches into one GINORMOUS lunch box: TWO sandwiches (turkey and cheese, cut into triangles and crustless,) TWO bags of Doritos, a package of chocolate pudding for Emma and applesauce for Sadie and TWO spoons. Emma’s thermos was in the lunchbox and I sent a sippy cup and a bottle of milk for Sadie. (She has to suck a bottle until she starts kindergarten or I will be forced to have another baby, which my husband says is not an option.)
I knew Emma would be psyched about going to “school” if she had her lunchbox and I was trying to keep her from being upset about being away from me and not being with Aubrey for the day. Aubrey was headed for a play date with one of her friends.
I got in the bed as soon as we got home from the doctor’s appointment and Hubs picked up the kids and fed them dinner. It was bedtime before I got to ask Emma how she liked eating her lunch out of her lunchbox.
Me: Emma, what did you eat for lunch today?
Emma: TWO sandwiches, TWO bags of chips, pudding and applesauce!
Me: You only ate one sandwich though, right? (I was confizzled.)
Emma: No. Dere were TWO sandwiches, TWO bag of chips, pudding and applesauce.
Me: But, honey, that was for Sadie too!
Emma shrugged.-Welllll, her was in the highchair…
Me: What did she eat?
Emma: Uhhh, a popsicle. Some gummy snacks.
I collapsed on Emma’s bed. This meant those nursery workers assumed I packed a 12-course meal for one of my kids and NOTHING for the other one? They fed my baby GUMMY snacks for lunch while my 30lb 4-year-old consumed her caloric intake for the day in one meal.
It didn’t cross my mind to write a note explaining I had included food for both of my kids…what’s that they say about common sense?