I haven’t changed a dirty diaper all week… I have picked up crap out of the floor after Sadie decided she couldn’t wait for to finish cooking dinner, but when your 20-month-old decides she’s ready to potty train, you just go with the flow, (or the plop as it happened.) I couldn’t help but take her picture. She is so freakin serious and she totally knows what she’s doing. I’ll ask her if she’s finished and she’ll, “No. I poo-poo moh, Momma.” And she means it.So I took her picture, which I’m sure she will love me for when she’s about 12. Then I sat down to pee (relax people, we all do it… ) Sadie grabbed my legs just like I hold her fat little legs to keep her from falling in the potty and yelled, “HOLD YOU MOMMA!”
It cracked me up, so I took a picture. Yes, while I was peeing. I’m a mother. I know how to multi-task. I wonder if she tells her friends about holding on to my fat little legs when I pee…
PS Don’t forget about my new blog contest! Very easy to enter!