We moved and we’re almost unpacked! But that’s a lot of suitcases.
I hope you like the cleaner, sleeker look and I hope that commenting is just a breeze for you now… if it’s not don’t tell me. I will cry. (You can tell me, but I really might cry.)
I have spent the last week following step-by-step tutorials and bugging the writer of THIS SUPER HELPFUL BLOG to the point that I actually said, outloud, to myownself, “I will NOT email himĀ again. He’s got to think I’m an idiot.” And I didn’t email him. But THEN, 24 hours later HE emailed me and said, “I hate to bother you, but did you get that issue fixed? I really like to finish what I start.” To which I replied something like, “OMG! SQUEEEEEEEE!”
Seriously, he apologized to ME for helping me. Even after he was like, “You need to fix your DNS settings,” and I was like, “Uhhhhhh. Okay. What does DNS mean? Where is it and how do I change it?” All that to say, if you are thinking about moving your blog from Blogger to WordPress, DiTesco is Da Man.
Now y’all look around on the new site and let me know what you think! If there are any features from the old site that you miss, let me know and I’ll try to add them back.
Also the Search box in the top right hand corner is AWESOME. If you are looking for a specific recipe or post and can remember a few keywords like, “meatloaf,” you can type it in the box and it will only search my blog. Booyah! Try it!
Another feature that you might like, especially if you have a blog of your own, is the ability to use Gravatars (Globally Recognized Avatars) Gravatars are sort of like your profile pic on Facebook but they follow you allllll over the intranets. Anytime you comment on someone’s blog, your sweet little face will pop up next to your comment with links back to whichever sites you plug in. You can link to your Facebook and Twitter accounts or back to your own blog, or you can just use your picture so you don’t look so anonymous and shady when you comment! Also, it’s free.
Leave a comment and let me know what you think. And really, I’ll try not to cry.