Chris Farley:
Sadie’s Impression:
Fat baby in a little shirt. FAT BABY IN A LITTLE SHIRT!
SOMEBODY’S going to be a famous actress one day. If that impression isn’t spot on then the sky isn’t up.
Nudge The Nest & Pray They Fly
by Robin
Chris Farley:
Sadie’s Impression:
Fat baby in a little shirt. FAT BABY IN A LITTLE SHIRT!
SOMEBODY’S going to be a famous actress one day. If that impression isn’t spot on then the sky isn’t up.
by Robin
Last week’s newspaper column, just for you. Yes. You.
Don’t be fooled by how still they are. This is a picture. That’s how they work.
For the last seven days I have refereed no less than one million fights on less than four hours of sleep per night. My middle child has been sneaking into my bed late at night with her knobby knees and pointy elbows and I am tired. I am supposed to be editing and revising my manuscript and 90 percent of the words I wrote this week were on Facebook or Twitter in the form of SOS messages to other mothers. I also Googled, “Date calculator” to find out exactly how many days until school starts back. (Thirty-two at the time I’m writing this.)
Since the kids have been out of school I haven’t been getting a lot of work done. I decided on Thursday that I would go to bed as soon as the girls did. I set my alarm to get up two hours before the kids normally wake up so I could write uninterrupted.
The following morning, my five-year-old, Emma, came tip-toeing into my bedroom promptly one hour before my alarm went off. She climbed into the bed, on top of me and said, “Hey Momma.” I tried to get up and leave her in the bed with my husband but she followed me to my desk with crayons and a notepad and roughly 800 questions about what I was doing on my “pooter.” After 30 minutes I gave up and watched cartoons with her while I drank my coffee.
I was exhausted by lunch on Friday but as I put all three children in their beds I promised if they would let me rest for an hour that we could go swimming. I was willing to do anything to exhaust them and ensure a good night’s sleep for the whole family. I popped a few ibuprofen for a headache and laid down on my bed. I could hear Aubrey and Emma scuttling around in the kitchen and giggling in their bedroom but I was too exhausted to move.
The house was a disaster when I finally gave up and got out of the bed. I found a step stool stacked on top of a barstool in the pantry and every cabinet door was standing wide open. We had to get out of the house. I had been awake for entirely too long and my kids needed to burn off some energy.
I got all three girls into swimsuits, loaded two pool bags into the car, including snacks and drinks and changed into my bathing suit. I got all everyone into the car, buckled into seat belts and we drove to the pool. We unloaded the car and slowly made our way across the parking lot, through the rec center building and to the pool.
These details are important because we stayed at the pool about one-third of the time it took us to get there.
I watched my kids while they swam for an entire 15 minutes before all hell broke loose. Aubrey and Emma were racing across the baby pool. Emma cheated by putting her feet down and walking in the pool while Aubrey swam. Aubrey was still winning so Emma started playing dirty. She grabbed Aubrey’s bathing suit and pulled. Emma pinched and grabbed at her sister, trying to get ahead. It took less than 10 seconds for Aubrey to fight back. Aubrey turned and jumped on Emma’s back, forcing Emma underwater.
I was pulling them apart exactly one second later.
“Get. Out. Of. The. Pool.”
“BUT MOMMA…” They chanted.
“NOW.” I growled. You don’t want to mess with me when I’m tired or hungry.
I was so mad I didn’t even pick up our stuff or put on my cover-up. I took their naughty butts straight to the car, turned on the AC and went back for our things alone.
The short ride home was a monologue dedicated to water safety, respecting each other, obedience and ended with, “And when we get home you will eat dinner and go straight to bed!”
I stuck to my guns and as I tucked Emma into bed I covered her little face with kisses and said, “How about you stay in your bed tonight? All night long and don’t wake up until the sun is up, okay?”
“But Momma, I really want to sleep with you.” Her voice cracked.
“Why do you like sleeping with me so much? You’ve got a great bed right here by Aubrey’s.”
Her chin quivered and proving that children love discipline she said, “Because you are so nice to me and I just love you.” She was so sincere, I almost felt bad after I tucked her into her own bed then promptly collapsed on my own.
by Robin
I’m headed to the new vacation hot spot of the South. Don’t be jealous, y’all. There’s enough room in Columbus, Georgia for all of us…
Hub’s work has been incredibly busy lately and during a brief phone call this week, I commented, “You seem really stressed out. What can I do to help you?”
“Drive me to Columbus this week,” he joked.
Hubs goes to Columbus, Ga on a semi-regular basis for his work and although he normally flies, this week he was going to have to drive there for a few days.
My wheels started turning. My mother is in town visiting and it would be a really quick trip.
“Maybe I will,” I told him.
After a quick convo with Shuggie I sent him a text, “Ready for a road trip?”
He was skeptical when he came home for lunch.
Zeb: Are you sure you want to go? It’s a seven hour drive one way?
That’s roughly 14 hours of uninterrupted adult conversation and/or reading and/or playing Words With Friends.
Me: Our kids are going to be here.
Zeb: I’m going to have to be at work for two whole days.
Oh no! Hours alone?? Whatever will I do?
Me: Is there a pool at the hotel?
Reading. Writing. Lolling.
Zeb: Yes.
Me: Is there a Starbucks?
The closest Starbucks to my house? Two hours away.
Zeb: Right across the street.
Can I get a skinny Caramel Frappucino?
Me: A Target? A movie theater?
Target? Two hours. Movie theater? 45 minutes. Can you say “Harry Potter is opening this weekend??”
Zeb: Yes and yes.
Me: I think I’ll manage.
WHO LIKES COOKIES?? These are the cutest ever and FREE to one of my peeps!
by Robin
Not just any cookie. Eh-eh. These are the cutest cookies I’ve ever seen and rumor has it they taste as good as they look!
Katie is giving away a dozen cookies of your choice to our contest winner.
Here’s what ya gotta do:
1) Like Cookie Vignettes on FB
2) Like the NEW Robin’s Chicks page on FB. (I changed it because FB “upgraded” the old page and started emailing people all the ding-dang time. NOW you just click “Like.” No annoying emails. Yay! And you can click “Share” to post articles to your wall. YAY!!)
**If you have already liked RC’s then just like Cookie Vignettes follow step #3.
3) Leave a comment HERE & let me know you liked both pages. (I can’t be looking for y’all on both pages. I gots stuff to do, yo.)
As ALWAYS, you can get extra chances to win by leaving comments on my posts. Limit one comment per post per person. No 80-million comments on one post, uh-uh. Momma don’t play dat.
Three easy steps, “Like,” “LIKE,” and leave a comment HERE.
Now who wants cookies?
by Robin
Today was bad. BAD bad. Not just meh-bad. Like REALLY bad.
We left the house at 9am for the library. At 9:05 I pulled the car into a church parking lot, opened up the back door of my car and got IN my kids’ faces. All three of them at the same time. I’m no amateur.
My kids have broken every single library rule and we get scolded every single time we go. Usually, I feel it’s unwarranted. Today, I wondered why no one forced me to hand over my library card then yelled, “Get out! AAAAAAAAND STAY OUT!”
Next, swimming lessons. The heat index in Mississippi today was roughly the same as the surface of the friggin’ sun.
I was sweating like A LOT. And also was about 99% sure my left ear was infected and I might have strep throat. Nothing says good times like inner ear pain and 100% humidity.
Luckily for me, and for the safety of my chirren. My mother came to town yesterday to visit. During rest time, she chilled (literally) at the house while I ran errands. In my car. With no AC. I literally rolled my windows down because it was cooler outside.
I went and got amazingly cheap and tacky outfits for Aubrey and I to wear to the best birthday party EVER: 80’s theme, Mother/Daughter, Dance Party, costume contest. AW. Hail. Yes.
Then I went to see one of my favorite CRNPs (What UP Guhl?) and got a shot in each cheek. Ahem.
I got back into the fiery pit of hell that is my car, came home and fed my people. Then I made a plate for my husband who was working late and took it to him at work. THIS is what you do for a man who occasionally mops floors, cooks dinner, irons his own shirts and takes toddlers to the grocery store with him when you need help. ALSO, he looks like THIS. So, there IS that.
At any rate, when I FINALLY got home my mother looked like THIS:
She was DAZED, people. Confused and sporting a Dumb & Dumber hair-do, courtesy of Emma and apparently a surprise handful of conditioner, and wearing my apron like a bib.
What the WHAT?
Aubrey said, “Wow. Shuggie, your hair looks SO much better like that.”
So, uh… how was your day? What greeted you when you came home? CAN YOU EVEN SEE THIS OR DID YOU MELT TODAY? Also, does anyone else smell like a freaking mountain man right now??? Please say yes.
You’ve got a few more hours to enter to win a $15 gift card to A+S!!
by Robin
Spellcheck obviously hasn’t ever been to my house because that is totally a word. It defines life here in the O’Bryant household. I have specific examples all from yesterday, keep in mind these are ONLY the ones I had the energy to document.
Who puts half a teaspoon of ketchup back in the refrigerator?
Someone ridiculous. Someone with the last name O’Bryant.
Who eats a banana like it’s corn on the cob?
I say “O!” You say, “Bryant!”
Who tries to tell you she had a great nap even though you HEARD her scuttling around the entire time she was supposed to be sleeping AND after you’ve walked into your pantry to find THIS?
I’ll give you *three guesses.
*Not coincidentally the number of children I have.
Don’t miss out on my latest giveaway!
by Robin
I was on Facebook the other day when I saw the CUTEST cups ever on a friend’s wall. I WANTED one.
I clicked around and found out that Anna & Sarah, two cute sisters in Jasper, AL had started a little bidnass making all this monogramed stuff and they are going to give one of you a $15 gift card! (Which is PLENTY of money to get sumpin’ REAL nice from their store!)
Here’s what you have to do to enter:
1) Like A+S on Facebook
2) Like the NEW Robin’s Chicks page on Facebook. (I changed it because FB “upgraded” the old page and started emailing people all the ding-dang time. NOW you just click “Like.” No annoying emails. Yay! And you can click “Share” to post articles to your wall. YAY!!)
3) Leave a comment & let me know you liked both pages. (I can’t be looking for y’all on both pages. I gots stuff to do, yo.)
As ALWAYS, you can get extra chances to win by leaving comments on my posts. Limit one comment per post per person. No 80-million comments on one post, uh-uh. I WILL give you extra entries for telling your friends to like the new page. So who’s in? Three easy steps, “Like,” “LIKE,” and leave a comment.
Now go look at A+S’s stuff and figure out what you are going to spend your gift certificate on!
UPDATE: Winner chosen by random number generator: Christina Wyatt!! Stay tuned for a new giveaway coming this afternoon!