This afternoon after school, Aubrey and Emma were playing at their little kid sized table. They were drawing and Aubrey was showing Emma how to fold paper in half and staple it together to make a book. This is what I overheard from the kitchen:
Aubrey: See Emmie, you do it just like this. But be careful so you don’t staple your fingers.
Emma: OK Sissy, I will.
Aubrey: Emma I wish you were in my class at school. (Yes, my heart melted.)
Emma: Me too, Sissy.
Aubrey: Welll, after your next birfday you will be 4 and THEN you will be 5 and THEN you will be in kindergarten with me…but it’s going to take a really, really long time.
Bless their little hearts. I couldn’t bring myself to tell them it doesn’t work that way.