Aubrey has had some issues with my hair lately. Last night she grabbed a fistful of my hair, held it up above my head and said, “Look Momma! You’re a unicorn! You have a corn on your head!”
“You mean a HORN?”
“No!” She giggled. “A corn!”
Tonight, I am sitting at Zeb’s sister’s house with Aubrey and Emma, watching Dr Suess cartoons and waiting for Willy Wonka to come on. A commercial for Willy Wonka came on and Aubrey said,”Momma, your hair looks just like him!”
“Who? Willy Wonka?”
“Yeah, just like him!”
Becki laughed hysterically and said, “Sorry!” While I was left to sit here and wonder what I can do to keep my hair from looking like Gene Wilder’s circa 1971.