Aubrey, as you may remember from when I was a writer several months ago, has always had very particular opinions on what she likes and doesn’t like to do.
Reading: Heck, yes.
Art of any kind: HAIL, yes.
Playing outside: Yes.
Playing a team sport: Naw.
Cheerleading: Well…
When Aubrey was six years old, we were at the beach and there was a cheerleading camp going on at the same resort. (I was as happy about this as you can imagine.) But I thought having three little girls, they might enjoy watching the cheerleaders practice their routines.
Me: Hey Aubrey? Y’all want to go watch the cheerleaders?
Her, without looking up from the picture she was drawing: Cheerleaders are stupid.
To be fair, as she’s grown she has realized cheerleaders are not stupid but her feelings about cheerLEADING have remained firm.
Aubrey took gymnastics last year and was reluctant to go back this year. We were discussing the pros and cons of going back to gym when Emma said, “I’m taking gymnastics AND ballet!”
Aubrey gasped and said, “OH NO! YOU’RE BECOMING ONE OF THEM!”
Then I laughed until I cried and I needed that.
Well my wife and daughter were one of them too. LOL
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