If you’re wondering where the heck I’ve been, I can tell you. I’ve been sitting on my couch for the last two months writing like it’s my job– cuz it is my job.
I know the whole publishing thing can be confusing for folks who don’t deal with it all the time, so here’s what happened.
November 2011
My agent and I self-published Ketchup is a Vegetable & Other Lies Moms Tell Themselves.
January 2012- August 2013
Busted my butt promoting Ketchup: going on book tour, to conferences and generally just pimping my book.
September 2013
Ketchup hit the NYTs, WSJ and USA Today bestsellers lists.
October 2013
Signed a two book deal with St Martin’s Press. They purchased Ketchup and my work in progress, Are You There God? It’s Me, Mommy
Hard copies of Ketchup disappear from the internet like a snitch on The Sopranos.
November 2013-March 2014
Ketchup gets spit-polished by copy editors at SMP and ready to be re-released. I make revisions on Ketchup and write like crazy to finish Are You There God.
March 17, 2014
I will turn in my finished manuscript of Are You There God to SMP, then I’m driving to the beach with my husband to sit on the balcony and vegetate for a week.
April 1, 2014
Ketchup will hit shelves nationwide and be back in print!! This means no more selling books out of my Patty Peck Honda Odyssey and not having to keep up with my own invoices (GLORY to God!) AND it means it’s going to be SO MUCH easier for your friends to buy it!!
This is the same book that was previously published, with a little bit of a makeover and a couple of bonus essays in the back that will give you a peek at Are You There God? It’s Me, Mommy which is scheduled to be released early next year.
Here’s a link to all the retailers that will be carrying Ketchup. (You can also cut and paste this link into your browser window: http://www.robinschicks.com/books)
If you REALLY want to help a sister out, PLEASE post this link all over the interwebz: http://www.robinschicks.com/books
Ketchup is available for pre-order RIGHT NOW and this is a really big deal for sales. So if you read Ketchup and loved it and would recommend it to all of your friends, give me a little internet lovin’ and share the link!
I’m going on book tour and I can’t wait to see so many of you!! Click here to see the entire tour schedule!
(And THANK YOU so much for everything you have done to help me get here. My book never would’ve been successful without all of you cheering so loudly! xo –Robin)
This is awesome, Robin! I love to see how all of your talent, hard work, and determination have paid off! Have a great week of down-time!
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