Two years ago, my friend Jill Smokler of Scary Mommy, was heartbroken when she saw these comments on her website:
I can barely afford to feed my family. It’s humiliating.
I am so broke I went to get a food-box. They told me I make
too much money and I just cried and cried. I have no food.
I don’t live extravagantly. I work at the welfare office.
I can’t even tell my family how bad it is.
Thanksgiving dinner? Ha. I can’t even buy a loaf of bread.
My husband just lost his job. I have no idea how we are going to put food on the table.
Jill, being one of the most resourceful people I know, didn’t simply wish them well with a few a emoticons and trite words– that ain’t the way she rolls. Jill asked her community to help and she raised THOUSANDS of dollars for families in need.
The Scary Mommy community fed 400 families that Thanksgiving. It gives me chills even thinking about it. How powerful and amazing this blogging world can be when good people join hands.
I don’t want to miss being a part of something great. I want the opportunity to pay some kindness forward, and to give thanks for all I have by doing a little something for someone other than me.
For $50 you can completely support one family. Other donations will be combined to feed families and every SINGLE dollar helps. 100% of your donations will go to feeding families, as laborious and huge as this project is, Jill and the people working for her, don’t make a dime.
Please consider donating what you can by clicking here! Your gifts are tax deductible!
I just donated – thanks for sharing!