I wish you could hear me say that out loud. I could video myself and youtube it, but damn ya’ll– I said Yes to VBS this week so I’m saying No to everything else.
Yesterday was our first day of VBS– where I worked UNMEDICATED (slightly medicated but not tranquilized) for four hours. Emma and Sadie lost their minds every time they saw me and I basically carried around 80 pounds of somebody else’s weight all day. It could have been a total suckfest for me. But then one of my favorite people on the planet who I haven’t seen since she had her third child*snickers*, then moved out of town, surprised our whole church by showing up with her kids for the day. When her daughter walked into her VBS classroom where Aubrey and all her friends were– you would have thought Elvis had walked in the room. The girls screamed, jumped up and hugged all over their sweet friend.
After VBS we (all my WPC God Squad Ladies) took our kids to eat lunch then swimming. You should know that I have been hermit like for the last 6 months and being gone from my house ALL day long isn’t something my kids are used to. As bad as Sadie needed a nap, I wasn’t going to sacrifice spending an afternoon with my friend. So we hung in there and swam until almost 5 when an executive decision was made about dinner and we ran home to change clothes.
The scene:
Foreboding black clouds roll in and hang over La Pinata as 7, SEVEN couples with roughly 16 kids came strolling in the door. Everyone sat down to order drinks. Except for me and Sadie… we headed to the bathroom.
New place+new potty= Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go Right Now!!
So, we go to the bathroom and I wait for what feels like 35 minutes and say, “Sadie do you need help?”
Sadie: NO MOMMA!! Don’t see me! Don’t see me!
(Translation: I don’t want you to help me but awwww SNAP something just happened and I need help.)
I wiggled the door and opened it to find Sadie sitting with her dress around her ankles. I started giggling and went for my camera and she COVERED UP HER BEWBIES, y’all.
And WHY would to take a dress off by pushing it to your ankles?
The peeing in a new place thing kills me. Why, why, why must they do that? And I think it’s worse in Mexican restaurants – it could be the vast amounts of sweet tea they consume or the fact that most Mexican restaurants have fountains. Who knows.
Paula recently posted..Slaw Dogs Don’t Go Around Here…
Oddly, none of mine ever did that. But to say my parenting life is atypical would be a gross understatement of fact.
Jodi recently posted..Clash…of the Titans
Just finished reading your book that I saw in Turnrow Books while on a recent trip to Greenwood. (My husband and I used to live there, and I have relatives there.). Hilarious! Thanks for being so honest about life and motherhood.
Hi Tina!! Thank you so much! I love Turnrow, it may be my favorite place in Greenwood. Please leave Amazon/Goodreads reviews anywhere you can. It’s a huge help to me!
My son gets “nekkid” every single time he poops, no matter where we are!
OMGeeeze! I’m CRYING with laughter! My daughter used to do the exact same thing when she was her age. Remove all clothing when pottying. Why? Why? Glad to see it wasn’t only happening to me!
This cracks me up! My 3 yr old had to go at the dr’s office and he got in so fast he didn’t even shut the door before his tiny white butt was on view for anyone walking by to see. (And he takes off shorts and shoes – ugh – putting on a 3 year old’s shoes on the nasty public bathroom floor makes me want to vomit.)
I bet I’ve written one million words about how much I hate taking my kids to the doctor for that very reason!