I’ve been a little preoccupied lately. This weekend while we were home to visit The Farm People, as my children adoringly refer to my in-laws, one of my Besties introduced me to Draw Something– an iPhone app that will suck up your soul and spit out your bones.
But you will be laughing so hard you won’t even care.
The basic deal is this: you start a game with someone… preferably someone you share a brain with unless you are a freaking artist because this isn’t easy. You choose one of three words to draw and draw it. THEN you submit and wait for your friend to guess what you drew.
But this is where the hilarity starts– they watch what is basically a video of you drawing from start to finish. The whole process. So if you erase or start over 18 times (AHEM to my brother-in-law who redrew a perfectly good sombrero about 12 times) they can watch the whole thing.
It was so addictive that within 24 hours, I had every iPhone owning member of my husband’s family playing. We all stood around in the kitchen, drawing on our phones and laughing like hyenas while we watched other draw terribly.
Take for example, my friend Stacey’s drawing. Do you know who this is????
Kate Moss. Obviously. The hip bones should have tipped us all off.
Here is my very best rendering of a music supahstar.
I don’t think your ready for THIS jelly.
If you don’t know what this is then you obviously don’t have an older brother or were seriously Hot Stuff in high school…
And my all time favorite (that I can share on the intranet without being totally ESCANDALO as my friend Rachel Hawkins would say..) Please look at all the effort my seester put into drawing “knee”…
I don’t care who you are. That is funny.
Are you drawing something yet?
Also my friend Rachel Hawkins is on book tour right now promoting her third book Spellbound which is the final installment in the Hex Hall series, if you like YA/ Harry Potterish stuff I HIGHLY recommend. Click on her name above and check out her books!
I was just introduced to the hilarity that is Draw Something a few days ago. I have already spent an unhealthy amount of time playing this game.
Shannon recently posted.."Well, she was an American Girl"
I have heard about the game. But have yet to download it. I may have too now. It looked like a riot.
I’ve heard about that game. so now I have to download it
I kinda want to get an Iphone just so I can play this. It looks like a lot of fun.
alaina recently posted..Twenty-Eight Candles.
It is SOOO much fun!
Downloaded and it’s greatt.
Im afraid to download it because I’ll become an instant addict. I use a form of this in the classroom to teach prewriting skills.