This is for people who ask me, “How do you WORK from home? How do you write with three kids??” Like this:
Important factors to note:
1) No makeup. (Don’t be jealous of the sexy.)
2) I’m wearing workout clothes and I haven’t been to the gym in over 10(ish) days.
3) I am sitting in my own driveway to use my wi-fi while Emma is at dance class because Sadie was taking her nap in her carseat. She woke up as I was taking this pic and she was NOT impressed. If I get out of the car she will go bananas. She will not want to get back in her carseat and I will spend the entire time we are in the house telling her ‘No!” Or chasing her trying to get her BACK in the car to go get her sister. So I am writing in the car. In my driveway. #winning.
How do you “do it all”?
I don’t do it all! My floors haven’t seen a vacuum since Daughter 2 was potty trained. She’s in second grade.
I approve!
I cant believe anyone wants to see “How does she do it?” I have zero interest in watching a mockumentary of my life. Except I don’t live in NYC, don’t have a nanny, nor clients that look like Pierce Brosnan. My big goal? To hug my kids as much as possible. Everything else is negotiable.
OMG. You wouldn’t believe how confused I was by your comment. I googled “How She Does It?” and was like, “Oooooohhhhh! I see!” DUH. Color me clueless. And AGREED! Talk to me when paying $20 for a haircut isn’t in the budget. For six months.
Seriously, just adopt me. Is it okay that you are slightly younger than me? Okay, okay, I’ll settle for the daily (and sometimes more frequent) reminder that I am not alone
Thank you for sharing your life with us!!
If you are willing to do chores you are IN.