Sadie has been soooo two-years-old today. There was A Potty Incident that is worthy of another post entirely, but she got in a fight with my iPhone this afty and I thought I was going to die I laughed so hard.
This is what had happened… (Do not send me angry Grammar Nazi emails. I don’t care.)
Sadie: Momma, I pway game on you pone pweeze.
Me: Ok. *Forks it over*
Sadie: Momma, you hep me pay dat kitty cat peeze?
I pulled up Talking Tom. It’s an app with an animated cat that mimics everything you say in a high-pitched voice. THAT’S WHAT THE APP DOES. That is the entire point. It copies everything you say and says it back to you. Sadie has played this game one MILLION times. I handed her my phone.
Sadie: Hi, wittle kitty.
Talking Tom: *in a higher pitch* Hi, wittle kitty.
Sadie frowned. “NO! ‘TOP DAT!”
TT: *higher pitch* NO! ‘TOP DAT!
Sadie growled. “Mmmmmmmmmm-aaaaaaah!!!!”
TT growled back. “Mmmmmmmmmm-aaaaaaah!!!!”
Sadie stomped her fat little feet and jumped up and down. “Momma, HIM IS WOOKING AT ME!”
I was wheezing on the couch I was laughing so hard.
Sadie blew a raspberry at my phone and yelled, “I DON’T WIKE YOU!” She dropped my phone on the coffee table and ran screaming out of the room.
I’m still laughing.
To read about Sadie being mad at the FREAKING MOON for looking at her, click HERE.
What makes me laugh even harder is that once she left the room, Talking Tom said, “I don’t sole you!”
pee in my pants funny!
This is one of my most favorite posts of ALL times!! I can sooo relate. I downloaded a similar app on my phone for ElysaBeth and it is THE most annoying thing EVER. Everytime she plays with it I’m like Sadie….”evil kitty stop wooking at me! Stop copying me! I hate you!” *love that kid*