Who is tired of reading about poop? (This a rhetorical question. Don’t answer it.) Who is tired of WRITING about poop? THIS GIRL. Right here. *Points to self*
My youngest child basically potty trained herself.
A few months after she turned two, Sadie refused diapers and Pull-Ups and began demanding ‘Big Guhl Pan-Teez.” I was reluctant because I’m the kind of girl who would rather change a diaper than get on her hands and knees to scrub up a puddle or worse. But I let her have her Big Guhl Pan-Teez and I don’t think she had a single accident. Honestly. I’m not just saying that to be like, “Oh, yeah. It only took us ONE day to potty train. How long did it take y’all?”, while I give your five-year-old in diapers the stink eye. It took over a year with the other two before we could leave the house without an extra set of clothes. We ain’t proud, Sadie was just motivated.
Sadie knows how to potty. But here is our most recent conundrum: Dat guhl wants to potty all the time, potty all the tiii-iiiime. (Heehee, I couldn’t help myself.)
Sadie has taken the potty and turned it against me. Poop is now a power struggle. It’s a means of manipulation, mind tricks and serious procrastination.
She knows that no matter what I am telling her to do, if she yells, “I GOTTA POO-POO!”, the world will come to a screeching halt. I will sit in the bathroom floor for an hour at a time staring at her while she swings her fat little legs on her throne, openly mocking me.
One evening, while Hubs was out of town, she waited until I had her in a Pull-Up and PJs (all bets are off at night) to say, “I gotta go poo-poo.”
I was exhausted. I had been up half the night before with my middle child who had an ear infection and I had juggled my kids in the doctors office all day long. I just wanted to sleep. But if she really had to go, then she really had to go, right?
I groaned and took her to the potty where she completly undressed. Because this is what they do. Children must be completely naked to take a slam.
Then she got bossy. “I meed some pwivate-seat. TERN AWOUND. Don’t wook at me. CLOSE YOU EYES, MOMMA. I MEED PWIVATE-SEAT.”
I refused to leave the room or close my eyes and twenty minutes ticked by. She produced just enough to keep me believing she really had to go.
Recently she had a little touch of The Die-rear and I almost left that baby in the bed because I thought it was more manipulation. Once I realized she was sick, I stayed in the bathroom with her as long as she needed me. While she sat there she pointed her fat little finger at me and said, “YOU did dis. You hut my tummy. Why you do dis to Sadie, huh Momma? You do dis on puhpose!!”
How diabolical does she think I am? For the love! I can’t risk denying her but what am I supposed to do? If I give her a time limit, how long is long enough? Ten seconds? Five minutes? And isn’t that where serial killers come from? From The Land Of My Mommy Stood Over Me At The Potty And I Had To Poop In 3 Minutes OR ELSE?
I’m at a loss, people of the interwebz. A total loss.
I need to win back The Throne. Tell me how.
Uh. I’m stumped. Neither one of my boys wanted me anywhere NEAR them when they pooed.
Maybe you should make her sit in there while it’s YOUR turn. No, wait…pretty sure THAT’S where the serial killers come from.
… my mommy really scared me when she did that. (mommy’s furry down there? jungly…)
Just a suggestion… Set a timer for 3-5min. If she produces something before the timer goes off she gets a treat. My kids will do almost anything for candy. No punishment = no serial killers. It’s always easier to solve others problems.
It’s better than what I’ve come up with which so far was NOTHING!
I have nothing productive to say. I am only trying to catch my breath from laughing so hard.
And oh my word, it has been too long since I heard the words “stink eye.”
Get yourself together then BRAINSTORM!! I need help!
that game of thrones post was effing hilarious. (Trying very hard to not greatly offend anyone who isn’t me) I had tears. Real ones. And woke the sleeping kid up because I was laughing like I needed a straight jacket and more meds. This is one of those posts I wish I had written myself.
Remember that time you said internetS? That was awesome. And did I win yet? You know, it’s almost midnight Monday here, and you didn’t specify real world time, or Guam time…
And I obviously have no suggestions as I do not potty train. I’d rather change diapers than deal with that business. Scott had to BEG to be out of diapers before I finally gave in. And that boy was serial killer material LONG before that, so it’s a crapshoot. Female serial killers are very rare though. They said it on criminal minds, so it’s gotta be true.
you know what makes serial killers? having your niece in the restroom with you and not realizing that your period has leaked through your tampon and the little one having a horrified look and shrieking “why is it so BLOODY?” yeah, pretty sure that might be where female serial killers come from.
I can see that. Thanks for reading, maybe I’ll meet you in a support group one day… 😉