Photo via Greg Adams Photography
I received an email from one of my readers today that was so hilarious, I begged to share it with y’all. Wheezie* agreed only if I would protect her identity. And being a Serious Journalist, I agreed. Here is *Wheezie’s story.
Little Johnny* and I were in his room and I had to “fluff.” It was loud, like shockingly loud. Little Johnny* gasped.
“Momma!! You hear dat weed whacker????” He asked.
I collapsed in laughter and he just kept saying “Dat weed whacker outside sooooo woud!!!” I did not correct him because I didn’t want everyone we see for the rest of the week to know that my fluffs sounds like landscaping equipment.
*Names changed to protect the flatulent.
Got a story to tell that you don’t want your name on?? Momma can keep a secret. Email me, Boo.
Just a few more hours before the Farris Wheel Pottery Giveaway ends!
Once a big truck passed by and let out a very loud rumbling sound. My son hollered from the next room “MOM!! Was that you?” I asked him if he was serious and he informed me that he didn’t do it and it sounded much more like mine!
Too. Fishbone. Funny!!!
I think I may have just woke Jim up out of a dead sleep with this one!! And the dogs raised their heads and stared at me like I was crazy!!
I followed you over from your post on Jenny Bent’s blog, and I’m so glad I did. You’re hysterical and I love your blog! My only concern is the gnawing feeling in my gut that we are actually twin sisters who were separated at birth. If it wasn’t for the fact that I’m obviously older and considerably more frumpy, I’d be contacting a Private Investigator (or the Maury Povich Show) right now to look into this. Among other things, we have the same sense of humor, we both write books (although admittedly, ahem, one of us is unpublished), we’re both fans of God, and we both write a humorous blog where we laugh at ourselves and our families (mine is slightly more snarky, a trait I somehow gleaned from my two teenage sons in exchange for my sanity). Anyhow, I was wondering what the titles of your books were and where I can find them? I searched a bit on your site but didn’t find it readily (aka I’m too lazy to look again). Thanks and best of luck with your writing and family!!!!
Hi Lynn! If you click on the “About” tab you can find all the info! My books are not pubbed yet! I have one completed manuscript and I’m working on my 2nd now!
What a funny funny story! When my hubby and I were visiting our son’s family a while back, he and I went outside with two of their little girls. My husband, being a man, passed gas as soon as we got out the door. I said, “Uh-oh! I hear a froggie!” to which our granddaughter rolled her eyes, and said, “NO! Grandpa farted!”