2: Number of wild animals caught at my house this week, not including actual human children. (One possum and one raccoon.)
1: The number of shots fired at my house this week.
8: Number of dominoes that fell out of Sadie’s bathing suit when I took it off of her in our driveway so she could pee in the yard and not in her carseat.
Red dye #7: The color of my chest after sitting poolside without sunscreen for approximately 27 minutes.
Brilliant: Emma’s smile tonight when I told her how important she is because she is the middle sister. (She’s the only one who knows how to be the big sister AND the little sister at the same time. That takes Skillz, yo.)
“Where’s that verse about the two women who get in a fight over that baby?”: What Aubrey said as she crawled into her bed and flipped through her Storybook Bible.
1:2.5- The mother to child ratio at the pool today.
“You know Momma, sometimes after you poop…” :How Aubrey started a conversation with me when she snuck into my room to snuggle after Emma went to sleep.
The only way to let a two-year-old eat watermelon:
5: The number of seconds it’s going to take me to fall asleep after I click “Publish.”
Got any random facts from your day??
Emma makes me cry. She does have an important job and she is great at it!!
Life is always an adventure when you have children, isn’t it? Keep writing about it, because they’ll be grown before you know it.
Did you cook the possum and raccoon? OH what a story that would make!
No but I just threw up in my mouth.