A few nights ago Aubrey was in the bathroom with me after I got out of the shower. She watched as I brushed my hair, moisturized and applied deodorant. I saw her eyeballing my deodorant so I asked, “You want some?”
Her face lit up as she grabbed it and applied it liberally to both arm pits. “Momma, when you go on a date you need a lot of this huh?” (I have no idea what she’s thinking. I love the Zebster but after almost 14 years together, I don’t really break out in sweats on dinner dates.)
“Yeah, I guess you do,” I said.
Aubrey was grinning from ear to ear when she left my bathroom to go put on her pajamas and Zeb heard her yell at her sister as she ran into her bedroom, “Hey Emma! Smell my pits!”
Emma didn’t even hesitate. Bet that doesn’t happen when they’re teenagers.
Too cute.
Too cute.
Too funny! I remember being very curious about deodorant as a child.
And, here's a really random side note… I think we may have grown up in the same neighborhood. I was visiting my parents this past weekend (they still live in the house where I grew up). As my children played with the kids that live next door their mom (Jody) introduced me to your mom. We enjoyed chatting and your mom & Jody told me about your blog so here I am. I've enjoyed browsing through it, reading, and laughing.
Once, I discovered my now 20 year old stark naked in the bathroom applying deodorant to absolutely every square inch of her body! That was after she shoved Q-tips in the heat register.
She was two.