This made me cry, I laughed so hard! As fun as our vacation has been, it has been a similar version of your story. Harper will be looking at me all loving and sweet, then the next thing you know she is squeezing my neck/arms/legs with both "sweet" little hands! I just keep asking Ken if I'm bleeding. Thank you for articulating the feelings of toddler attacks so well! Glad I'm not the only one who needs a defense class!
This made me cry, I laughed so hard! As fun as our vacation has been, it has been a similar version of your story. Harper will be looking at me all loving and sweet, then the next thing you know she is squeezing my neck/arms/legs with both "sweet" little hands! I just keep asking Ken if I'm bleeding. Thank you for articulating the feelings of toddler attacks so well! Glad I'm not the only one who needs a defense class!