The winner of the Handful Bra Giveaway is Susan Arnold! Here is her winning entry!
Susan Arnold said…
When reading, think ‘Jump’ by Van Halen- with my own interpretation.
I get up, and nothing gets me down. (not in my Handful!they are always UP)
i like to jump. and then go round and round (speaks for itself)
And I know, just how it feels.(you’ll forget you’re wearing it)
You’ve got to roll with the punches to get to what’s real
Oh can’t you see me standing here,
I’m getting ready for a soccer scene I ain’t the worst that you’ve seen. (I will look GREAT in this bra next to the other women who didn’t they could be comfy and look good)
Oh can’t you see what I mean ? (actually, you won’t SEE anything but great curves)
Might as well jump. Jump ! (go ahead – the bra will do the rest)
Susan Arnold
Susan the folks at Handful would LOVE to see a youtube video! Send your email address to me at and I will get you hooked up with them! Congrats and thanks to all who participated!
Hi everyone!
Thank you for selecting my entry! SO here is a little info about myself and how this will be put to use-
I have two boys ages 4 and 3. I work full time and last year started running. I ran two 5k's, a 4miler and a 10k. Then my brother challenged me to a half marathon this past April. A few weeks before the race a stress fracture in my leg put an end to that…temporarily. My brother and I are scheduled to run in TWO half marathons in September. Since I haven't been a long timer, I am still finding my staple clothes. The one item that I haven't found yet is the perfect sports bra. That void will hopefully now be filled!
Keep up the good work to all of you who posted about losing weight and raising kids!
Thank you!!!!