I was in Sadie’s room putting away laundry when Emma (4) came running in and asked, “Momma, will you hold me?”
Because my kids have been gone for a few days, I was rusty. So my first thought was, “Bless it! My baby missed me.” Instead of what it should have been which would be more like, “You’d better tell me what you did right this very second, Emma Jean O’Bryant.” (That’s not her middle name. It’s her alter ego.)
Like I said, though, I was rusty. So sweet, stupid Momma sat down to love on her baby.
Five minutes later I walked through the living room and saw an entire bottle of topical Benadryl which had been emptied all over my couch, ottoman and rug.
“Momma, I’m sorry. I’ll go to time-out…do you porgive me?”
I’ve missed that baby.