Dennis O’Neill is a full-time actor and acting coach. I met him while interning at his acting school in Fort Worth, Texas as part of my requirements for Bible school. Don’t get the wrong idea. Dennis isn’t doing cheesy pantomimes, he is teaching traditional acting methods and making a huge impact in people’s lives.
He made a huge impact in my life. It was while working for Dennis that I first started to realize that I really could do anything I wanted to, regardless of how “sensible” it seemed. Want to be an actor? A writer? Go for it, Dennis would say.
At any rate, I’m on his mailing list and last night I got an email with an excerpt from his latest book, “Living In the Moment” and I found it so encouraging I asked for permission to share it with you.
Robin Hood Rise, and rise again. Until lambs become lions. Robin Longstride This is the story of an archer, in the army of Richard Coeur de Lion. He fights against the Norman invaders and becomes the legendary hero known as Robin Hood. Robin Hood dedicated his life to helping those in need. Those who struggle against tearanny and injustice. What the world needs now is hope. If you look, you’ll find that there are people around you who are desperately seeking confirmation about their talents, gifting’s, relationships, their lives in general. Be a shining light to those around you, no matter what YOU are going through. In acting it’s never about the actor, it’s always about someone else. Such as in life. If we put ourselves on the back burner for a moment then we will be able to take others out of the fire. Find what your passion is, let it be infectious, invade the atmosphere with it and go forward just as when Robin Hood did when he shot his arrow. Aim for your target, don’t get distracted by other things, people or areas that will not move you forward to your goals, dreams, visions, aspirations and destiny. Follow what you have set out to do, aim for and it will hit its mark dead on! As you go through life always know that there is something bigger, brighter, and smarter and all knowing who has a plan for your life. You are setting the goals for where you want to go. You’re life is destined to succeed. Think in terms of it as, you are starting out, in life with an A+. Now, keep that average. Don’t be persuaded by distractions and most of all, enjoy the journey. Strive to be blessing to those around you. Break through their darkness with your light. Smile upon them favorably. Set your goals high to gain abundantly and above all that you could dream, think or ask for. Aim for the moon and if you hit a star, remember, tomorrow is another day. Your life is for the taking and reaching the goal for the highest prize. Follow Dennis on facebook and become a fan of his latest project Bail Out.
Dennis is one of the most positve and focased people I have ever had the pleasure to meet.
Agreed Bryan! He inspires me to never give up!