On our way from Mississippi to Alabama the other day I told Aubrey(5) and Emma (3) if they were good girls all day (we had lunch with friends, errands to run, followed by a photo shoot) they could have five bucks a piece to spend at Target.
I overheard Aubrey tell her sister, “Wellll, Emma…you can only have FOUR dollars because I want SIX!”
“Hey! Knuckles for the mad math skillz,” I said throwing a fist over the back of my seat for Aubrey to bump. “But you both get five.”
“Aw man,” Aubrey pouted.
Turns out they didn’t get one red cent…we didn’t even make it past the dollar bins at Target and I had to get my mother to take them back to the car because they were acting like the kids from Lord of the Flies.