Aubrey has had some issues with my hair lately. Last night she grabbed a fistful of my hair, held it up above my head and said, “Look Momma! You’re a unicorn! You have a corn on your head!”
“You mean a HORN?”
“No!” She giggled. “A corn!”
Tonight, I am sitting at Zeb’s sister’s house with Aubrey and Emma, watching Dr Suess cartoons and waiting for Willy Wonka to come on. A commercial for Willy Wonka came on and Aubrey said,”Momma, your hair looks just like him!”
“Who? Willy Wonka?”
“Yeah, just like him!”
Becki laughed hysterically and said, “Sorry!” While I was left to sit here and wonder what I can do to keep my hair from looking like Gene Wilder’s circa 1971.
I'm betting it's thye shampoo and cond. you're using. I'm a hairstylist and can send you some product. shoot me a message on twitter and we'll talk.
Children are sooo observant and don't mind saying what they think lol. I have an Aubrey as well..she's the youngest and she gives her little critiques as well to which her and her sister snicker and giggle on about. But, I hope you get your hair situation worked out.
We are watching Willy Wonka at the exact moment I'm reading your blog. Promise your hair looks nothing like Mr. Wilder.
Thanks girls! I'm pretty sure it had to do with the fact that I hadn't washed my hair in about 4 days and when I HAD washed it I used baby shampoo b/c it's all I could find!