As you may well know, my kids have had a stomach virus for the last month. It crept slowly through my household and lingered with each child for a week or longer, leaving me in my pink Mickey Mouse pajama pants for almost a month.
My mother, the often imitated but never duplicated, Shuggie was coming to town to keep my kids while me and The Hubster head off to NYC to meet with my agent and to have a little mini-vacay, sans children. She was going to leave early on Saturday morning in order to be here before Aubrey’s birthday on Sunday.
I was so excited that as I tucked the girls into bed on Friday night, I grabbed the phone to call Shuggie and see if she was all packed up and ready to go. (Keep in mind that I hadn’t slept soundly for almost a month, and The Hubster and I were both exhausted. The Hubster– who did more than his fair share of cleaning up hazardous waste for weeks on end, and got up in the middle of the night at least as much as I did. I know, he’s awesome and MINE, so watch it.)
Anywho–Shuggie answered the phone and gave me the best news of my entire life. She was less than five minutes from my house! *Cue Hallelujah Chorus and angels singing!* The girls and I opened the blinds and waited for her to pull in the driveway. As soon as Shuggie got in the house, she came in their room with us and knelt beside the bed to hug and kiss and talk to them.
As they were talking and squealing and giggling I noticed how FABULOUS my Momma looked, and that she had lost a considerable amount of weight since I had seen her last.
Me: MOMMA! You look so good! You’ve lost weight, you are so little!
Aubrey: That’s because she’s on her knees.
I hope that your mama knows about our LOL email that has 139 threads to date. If not, please let that sweet woman know, I just LOL, and I mean it! BLIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll tell her! She's sleeping and snoring right now! I'm trying to write!
On Sunday, Poppa and Luddy both said they saw your mom the other day and she looks so fabulous!!