I took my baby to real school this afternoon, to meet her kindergarten teacher. I left Emma and Sadie at home with Shuggie and made a big deal about going to Aubrey’s school, with just Aubrey.
We met her teacher Mrs. Wood and Aubrey got to pick out a stuffed animal out of a basket to bring back with her on her first day for a safari, which she is VERY excited about. Her first conversation with her teacher went something like this:
MW: What’s your name?
Aubrey: It starts wif an A. (Not sure if she wanted to show off her mad alphabet skillz or was trying to be a smart aleck by making the teacher guess what her name was.)
Me: Her name is Aubrey, and she is so excited about school. Aren’t you Aubrey?
Aubrey: Yeah, I got a kindergarten mat and everything. AND my sthisther got one, but hers not coming wif me. (Emma did indeed ask for a nap time mat and her Shuggie got her one, I am afraid she is going to be heartbroken when Aubrey leaves for school and she isn’t able to go “wif” her.)
We were leaving the school and saw Shuggie, Emma and Sadie rolling up in the double stroller. Shuggie: Aubrey, did you meet your teacher? Is she so nice?
Aubrey: YEAH! She gave me this stuffed animal and her name is Mrs. Log.
Me: Wood…her name is Mrs WOOD.
Aubrey: Huh?