At bedtime a few nights ago, I was lying in Aubrey’s bed with Aubrey (4) and Emma (3), we were just saying our prayers and talking about our dreams, when Emma busted out with:
Momma, I hab one, two, free nuts! (She counted them out on her fingers.)
Aubrey began giggling uncontrollably.
Me: You have three, WHAT? ( I was NERVOUS, y’all. REALLY, REALLY nervous. Remember Sponge Bob Square Penis?)
Emma: NUTS Momma, I SAID (now screaming) I HAB FREE NUTS!
Aubrey: (can’t open her eyes and is now in the fetal position she is laughing so hard.)
Emma went running out of the room to tell her Daddy that she has “free nuts.”
Me: (really scared) Aubrey, what is a nut?
Aubrey: Sumpin’ a squirrel eats Momma!!! (HYSTERICAL laughter) Emma is SOOOO silly!
Me: (DEEEEEP cleansing breath) Yes she is.
That little Emma is quite the character! Your stories about her are my favorite…they crack me up everytime!