While I was cooking dinner on the grill for our house guests last night, Aubrey and Emma were inside with their aunt and uncle in baby heaven. They had “one girl baby and one boy baby” as Aubrey put it. And don’t you think for one second that child missed A THING. (If you will, a moment of silence for the Sponge Bob Square Penis Debacle of 2009…)
During Tucker’s very first diaper change in our house Aubrey said, in her very best four-year-old baby talk voice, “Ooooooh, look at his little penis! It’s soooo cute! Look at his cute little penis! It’s just a little circle! Boys have a penis! AND girls have a coo-coo! Oh isn’t it cute?”
How in the world do you keep from laughing your head off and being completely shocked when she says that stuff! omg! SO funny!
Well, I wasn't present for this conversation, my sister had to leave the room she was starting to laugh so hard. I try to hold it together if the situation is going to require discipline or is a serious subject matter, if not, I usually just crack up…like the time Emma asked me for my pants…