Yesterday’s rainy day activities lead to me saying “CLEAN UP. Pick up your toys. NOW!” “If I have to pick up your markers ONE MORE TIME I’m going to throw them in the trash, do you hear me???” -about 100 times.
By yesterday afternoon, we had ALL had enough of each other. The kids were tired of me telling them to clean up and HEAVEN KNOWS, I was tired of saying it. I was in Aubrey’s bedroom with her, “helping” her to put her books back on her new book shelf The Best Hubby in the Universe just built.
Me: Aubrey pick up your books now! I’ve told you about 20 times, I’m not going to say it again. The next time I say it, I’m going to take ALL of your books out of your room again…remember that?
Aubrey: (growls at me, literally)
Me: I’m serious. You’d better get busy.
Aubrey: (throws her hands up in the air and ROLLS HER EYES) UGH! You are making me nuts!
Me: (giving her the “Momma-stink-eye” which caused her to flash back to the Hot Sauce Debacle of a few days ago…)
Aubrey:(smiles REALLY big) Hee–hee, I’m JUST kidding Momma…You make me GOOD nuts. I LOVE my new bookshelf SO much it makes me crazy nuts, like that Momma. It’s SO cute it’s nuts…hee–hee–hee.
this is too funny….kids know how to back-peddle better than anyone!