Aubrey is at the stage where she loves to “write” all of the time. She’s almost five and while she knows the entire alphabet and recognizes all of them they don’t always look exactly right on the page, nor are they in any particular order. Add to this the fact that she is left-handed and tends to write backwards on some occasions, and you have a typical indecipherable mess on the page. She loves to write “letters” to people. She will “write” what she wants, then give her masterpiece to me and tell me what it says. I write the translation on the page and we stick them in the mail.
A couple of days ago Aubrey brings me a letter she has written:
Aubrey: Momma, what this says?
Me: I dunno, what does it say?
Aubrey: MOMMA, TELL ME what it says!!
Me: I don’t know, Aubrey. You wrote it, YOU tell ME what it says…
Aubrey:(crying) I DON’T KNOW! I can write letters but I can’t read…(OH the drama!)
Me: It says, “WAHZOO-MYL-TH” Happy now?
Aubrey: (sniffling) Yes.
Anonymous says
I couldn't help but laugh. I have been reading those same sentences for about 4 years now. Too cute!!! and you begin to miss them when they start to actually spell correctly. Thank goodness I still have Mary Frances!!