Dear Clothing People,
I am 31 years old. I am not yet a Mee-Maw, and no longer a 14-year-old-hoochie (Read “skinny enough to wear short-shorts). I would like to purchase a pair of shorts that cover all of my privacy without also covering my kneecaps. If I was a size 2 or a size 18+ I could find shorts a-plenty on the racks of stores everywhere. But I am not. I am an average American Mom, still working to lose some baby weight and not ready to move on to the “culottes” phase of my life. Please. For the love and comfort of mothers across America, stop with the mass manufacturing of coochie-cutters, and HELP A SISTER OUT!
cindolla says
amen sister, I’m with you.
Debbi says
Preach on sister!!!!!
Jaime says
Ha, I am with you, too. Though I AM an 18 and let me tell you – they truly do think we are all mee-maws.