Technology is A-MA-ZING! I have a video baby monitor in my house. I don’t even have to get out of my bed to see if my baby is awake or asleep, with the press of one button I can look directly at her sweet little face. There is no creaking door or bumping into her bed in the dark to wake her up. It is FABULOUS!
Several weeks ago I put Sadie(3 mos) in the bed, wide awake (just like the books say) to go to sleep. I went to my bedroom, crawled into the bed with my book and turned the baby monitor on. My baby was GONE. My heart started racing, I broke out in a cold sweat and bile started to rise in the back of my throat…HOW could this be happening? I JUST walked out of her room….then I realized that not only was my baby gone, but her bed looked different and her bedding was gone. What the?
I ran into Sadie’s room to find her exactly where I had left her. Ahhhh, OK, so that was somebody else’s bed I was looking at…WAIT, if I can see into someone else’s house that means…they can see into mine. Oh crap. (Apparently one of my neighbors has the same baby monitor on the same channel and I was picking up their camera instead of my own!)
My mind raced back through the evening histronics of getting my 2 year old and my 4 year old into the bed. All the shouting, the screamed threats: “You’d better get in here RIGHT NOW and brush your teeth OR ELSE!” “If you touch her one more time I am going to spank you, do you hear me? Do you understand?” (Yes, we spank. I trust Dr Dobson, not Dr Phil. If you want to judge me I’ll be glad to take the day off and let YOU show me how it’s REALLY done!) “Quit acting like a snake and PUT YOUR PAJAMAS ON, NOW!”
Oh, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Someone had heard all of this. SOMEONE in MY neighborhood had heard this. I froze as I realized that Zeb was outside in the garage as I got out of the shower that night, Sadie was crying and I walked into her room STRAIGHT out of the shower to pick her up. OH, crap.
My mind was racing and I was in a panic. I could just see Miss Perfect Mommy (you know her, she would never DREAM of spanking her kids, never has to tell them more than once to do anything, her kids pick up their toys without being told, eat all their vegetables and never have a cross word to say to their siblings…) watching her baby monitor in horror as I traipse around my house naked, swinging a wooden spoon at anything under 3 feet tall.
She’s already called DHR, I just know it. Where are they, I wonder? About to break down my door? Sitting in that unmarked car across the street waiting for my slightest misstep? I don’t know where Miss Perfect’s house is, so…Thank God, I sigh with relief, they don’t know where I am. LESSON LEARNED!
From that point on, anytime I pick my baby up out of the crib, the camera goes OFF! Yesterday I heard someone talking on the baby monitor. “Mm-hmm,” I thought to myself, “let’s just see how perfect you are…” I started to openly spy on this poor unsuspecting woman. She was changing her baby’s diaper and cooing to her, “Poooooor baby, hasn’t had a poopie diaper ALLLL day! Have you? HAVE YOU? NOOO, no you haven’t! ” “Honey, ” she says to her husband, “can you hand me a diaper and some wipes?”
I grinned with satisfaction as I turned the monitor off. Only a first time mom would actually waste a wipe on a wet diaper, which means she has NO idea the havoc that will be unleashed on her once that kid can walk and talk.
Perfect? Hmph! We’ll see who’s perfect! I give her 6 months before she’s knocking on my door asking for a wooden spoon and instructions on how to use it.
I don’t get it. There is a “something” out there that allows you to not only see what is going in your own home but in someone else’s?!?!?!?
Apparently one of my neighbors has the same monitor on the same channel and I was picking up her camera instead of mine! NOT good!
Hey Robin! Lovin’ the stories and learned a little something too….Ella is 10 months now and I never knew you didn’t have to wipe after a tee-tee only diaper! Thanks for the tip…. times are hard….i will save lots of money on wipes! LOL! miss you!
Cortney-I wouldn’t say it’s hygenic OR the best parenting but once you have more than one kid, you cut corners where you can!!
Hey Robin! I love your blog! I read it after your Dad commented on Facebook. I had a scary episode with my baby monitor when my son was a baby.(He is 21 now.) My husband worked nights so I put my baby to bed and turned on his monitor. During the night I was awakened when I heard deep male voices coming from my son’s room. I panicked! I jumped out of bed and ran to his room in the dark. He was there, but I still heard voices. After I scooped him into my arms, I grabbed the phone with the long cord in the kitchen, stretched it into the bathroom and locked the door. I was just about to call my Dad when I realized it was a Ham radio. The voice was my neighbor and my monitor picked it up. Like you, I wondered how many of my home conversations my neighbor had heard over his radio. I was so embarrassed for no reason at all. After that, I put the baby in the bed with me (yeah, I’m a bad Mom , too). Thanks for reminding me of those moments in life that make me laugh!! Sandy
Thanks Sandy!
OH MY WORD.. I have never heard of that!!! Too Crazy!
The exact same thing has happened to me…including the panic of someone actually catching one of MY hissy naptime/bedtime fits…and I’m the mom of not 3 little beauties, but 4! Thank you for the comfort of knowing I’m not alone!
God Bless you Katie, with 4!!!!! It makes me tired just thinking of it! Thanks for reading, pass it on to your friends!