I just wanted to take a minute to say thanks to all you folks out there who are reading this, especially my fellow moms! If I can make one of you crack up laughing at my stupidity, in the middle of your toddler’s latest temper tantrum, then I feel I’ve done my job!
I have gotten several emails in the last few days that have asked the same question, “How do you find time to blog when you have 3 small children at home?” The answer is quite simple. Blogging does not require makeup, a shower, clean hair, a clean house, or a bra.
Robin, we don’t even have any kids yet, but your blog is cracking me up!! I am literally laughing out loud like a hyena at the computer, and my husband is looking at me from across the room like I’ve lost my mind. You really could turn this into a book….in all your spare time, of course. 😉
Thanks Susan! I’m trying here! Send the link to friends you think would enjoy it and ask them to do the same!
You continue to make me laught out loud!! Keep up the good work!
Happy Easter to you & yours!
Jeni & EG are coming this week – I can hardly wait!!!!!
Robin, you continue to make me laught out loud! Keep up the good work. The girls are precious!!
Jeni & EG are coming this week – I can hardly wait!
HAPPY EASTER to you & yours!!