At the girls’ preschool the children study one letter of the alphabet a week. Every year for the letter ‘P’ the school has a Pajama Day. Aubrey remembered it from last year. When it rolled around this year, the girls were SO excited to wear their pjs to school.
Aubrey, the priss-pot that she is, insisted on wearing a nightgown even though it was only 20 degrees outside. (That is ARCTIC for Charleston!) Emma wanted to wear her very favorite, fleece footy pajamas that are covered with monkeys. I was afraid she would get too hot while playing in her classroom and want to take them off, so we put ANOTHER pair of pjs underneath the fleece ones.
Because Emma’s pajamas had feet in them, she couldn’t wear her shoes. Being the wildly innovative mother that I am, I grabbed a pair of Aubrey’s shoes and put them on Emma’s feet. ON TOP of the footy pajamas, ON TOP of the regular pajamas. (I packed her shoes in her bag so if she wanted to strip during the day she would have shoes that fit.) I was brilliant, I had thought of everything.
We grabbed our jackets and hats, bundled up and headed to school. I dropped Aubrey off in her classroom and all her sweet little, pajama-clad friends were there to greet her. Emma and I made our way down to the 2 year old class and I froze in my tracks. Every single child in that classroom was wearing clothes. You’ve GOT to be kidding me.
“I thought today was Pajama Day,” I said to her teacher.
“Yeah, the 2 year-olds don’t usually participate.”
Well that was obvious NOW. Aubrey had participated last year in the 3s, so I just assumed we were ALL going to be wearing our pajamas. FABULOUS. I did have a back up plan, and offered to let Emma change into the extra clothes we keep in her backpack for potty accidents. She flatly refused.
“I want to wear my pajamas.”
That baby marched into her classroom with two pairs of pajamas, her sister’s shoes and her head held high!
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Natalie says:
I picked Anderson up from daycare, the love of my life, my sunshine, my heart… sweet baby. Usually we have Raffi blaring and we sing and clap at the end of every song….My cell phone rang as we were pulling into Old Navy…I just needed to buy a cardigan for Easter Sunday…we would be in and out in NO TIME! I was talking away on my phone to my gal Lindsey. Got my purse, got my keys, lock the door, heading into Old Navy….I was standing in the store on the phone looking at some dresses when it hit me…something is amiss….I hung up on Lindsey and ran to my car. Seated in the backseat was the love of my life, my sunshine, my heart….holding his sweet little blue bible. As I ripped open the door he simply looked at me and smiled, never knowing that his mother had forgotton him, and said “Bible.”
Yes baby, and let’s use that Bible and pray to Jesus that no one calls DHR on me…
I took John for his two month pictures & left a STRAIGHT PIN in his clothes. He couldn't wear what I had intended because it was too small of course. Someone had just mailed me a Feltman Bros. outfit so I grabbed it & put him in it even though it had not been washed. He was so cranky through the whole shoot & when we got home, I saw a shiny pin sticking out of his outfit into his stomach. You can read the whole story on my blog….I think it was last September. Lovely! It's very visible in the portrait.