As mothers, sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in the “doing” of motherhood that we miss opportunities to simply “be” the Mommy. The piles of dishes, laundry, bills and dirty diapers can be overwhelming and at times so distracting that it is hard to even focus on what your child is saying because we are mentally going through the checklist of everything still left to do.
Time flies, literally, and we can never get back the moments we have with our children, regardless of their ages. Make a concerted effort to savor every word, every slobbery kiss and yes, every temper tantrum. Soon enough we will all be looking back and saying, “I remember when…”
Today, I am going to “be” the Mommy. I will make pancakes, build forts, play with play-doh, play hide and seek in the house and read as many books as my children will sit still for…I won’t even paraphrase or pretend pages get stuck together so I can do laundry. The laundry will still be there even when they aren’t.
well said!