(Please keep in mind when reading this that she can’t say her “L’s” or “R’s”)
Emma(2): Dear Lord, Thank you for my fam-i-ly, thank for my sisters, thank you for my best friend ever in the whole world, Poppa. Thank you Mary had a little lamb”
Me: Amen
Emma: (finger pointed in my face) No I not done yep. (Hands folded again,) Thank you for the farm, thank you cousins, thank you for Shuggie and waffles…
Me: Amen.
Emma: (finger in my face again) NO I NOT DONE YEP! Do dis Momma, (folds hands again.) Thank you for the Lord, thank you the stars and the trees.
Me: Emma, you know you can talk to God all by yourself when Mommy’s not in here, right?
Emma: (hands spread in amazement) OH MY GASH! (Not a typo, that’s how she says it.)
A-dorable! We’re trying to teach Brooklyn to thank Jesus for things too! We created a prayer, but then realized she’d just memorized it…so we’re changing it up to make it a little more personal for a 2 year old!
This just made me laugh hysterically.. You really do need your own show!